Sölje FVOF includes the waters from Sölje down to the south eastern part of the Glaskogen nature reserve. Here you have access to beautifully situated lakes with good possibilities for fishing and game fishing.
Game fishing / Put and take: Spjuttjärn, Slöjtjärn and Mörttjärn
Species of fish: Pike, perch, salmon trout, char. Natural presence of salmon trout and char in the following lakes: St/L Rämmingen, Rämmingstjärn, Kvarntjärn, St. Lesjön, Hellsjön, Tångtjärn, Argustjärn, Lystjärn, Notflagan, Herstjärn, Frosttjärn, Kåtlamp.
Fishing permit: Arvika Tourist Information Center, Årjängs Tourist Office, Sölje Camping, Glava gas station, Bofab Grums. Mailbox for self service and the crossing towards Gengene.
Children up to 15 years fish free on the parent’s licence. Boat to rent: Hällsjön.
You find a map of the area online via fiskekartan.se: https://fiskekartan.se/?fv=S%C3%B6lje%20fvof&ko=169&la=15&sp=false
Vattendrag från Sölje ner mot sydöstra delen av Glaskogens naturreservat.
Sölje FVOF
, Sölje