Here you can play tennis, use the outdoor gym, play boule, use the volleyball Court, do gymnastics and walk around the hiking region around Stora Valla.
Degerfors bowling - opens august 24
Tenniscourt - If its not booked, feel free to play. Otherwise there is a list by the courtside to reserve a time.
The outdoor gym - Allways available.
The boule court - Locaded by Kanadawoods. Free to use
The football feild, booking by phone nr (+46) 73-6883044
Stora Halla (inside) -Booking by phone nr: 070-6343428
Volleyball Court - Free to use
The gymnasiums - Contact Birgit Westergren (at weekdays Before 15.00) nr: (+46)586- 48297. (After 15.00 and weekends) Contact Bo Kristoffersson at : (+46)70-6343428
Stora Vallavägen, 12, 69331 Degerfors