The church was inaugurated in 1699, but it was not until 1729 that the tower was finished.
The alter and the pulpit are carved by Isak Schullström. The big chandelier is carved by hand by a man called Olof i Kyrkbyn. There are three church bells and the smallest is also the oldest, casted 1557.
Järnskog's Church was consecrated 1699 but the church tower was not finished until 1729.
The alter and the pulpit are carved by Isak Schullström. The big chandelier is carved by hand by a man called "Olof i Kyrkbyn". There are three church bells and the smallest is also the oldest, casted 1557.
Järnskog kyrka
, Koppom
road 177 soth from Koppom
Eda-Köla PastoratFörsamlingshemmet
67040 Åmotfors 571 320 03