Campsite 11 Tullön - Stora Le is situated on an island in the northen part of the lake Stora Le.
Fire Pits: 2
Toilets: 1
Wind shelters: 2
Closest wind shelter: no. 10 Hästön - Stora Le
DALSLAND - NORDMARKEN lake system - wind shelter
There are about 100 campsites in the Dalsland - Nordmarken lake system (DANO). The municipalities in the area have invested in these to protect our fragile nature and to give visitors an enjoyable experience. Places are selected with regard to plant and animal life and in agreement with the landowner. Every campsite has a fixed hearth and organic toiletries, and most sites have wind shelters. There are waste facilities at a few sites. This service is funded through the sale of Nature Conservation Cards.
Nature Conservation Cards
The Nature Conservation Cards gives you the right to use the services of the lake system. Nature Conservation Cards can be purchased online here, at canoe rentals, or at one of our tourist offices.
Staying at a campsite cannot be compared with staying on a campground. Campsites are surrounded by nature and by staying here; you agree to be on nature's terms. The purchase of a Nature Conservation Card does not mean you have made a reservation for a certain campsite or shelter. These cannot be reserved and canoeists may only stay one night at the same place. IN addition to shelters, most campsites also have a few tents sites.
Open fires
The Swedish right of public access law, called “Freedom to roam” right, provides no general right to light fires. From June 1 until August 31, a ban on fires is in force in the DANO area, and fires are only permitted in the officially designated fire pits. At some point every summer, a ban is usually placed on all open fires. During this ban open fires are prohibited everywhere, including in designated fire pits. It is your duty as a guest in the area to inform yourself about any fire bans. Lighting of fires is always at your own risk. If there is an accident, you are responsible and must bear the consequences.
For current information, call Dalsland: +46-73-0615184 and Värmland: +46-54-15 50 15. In Värmland, a red flag with a yellow cross is hoisted on 25 sites in the event of total fire ban. The use of camping stoves is still permitted, but exercise caution.
Rangers replenish the wood supply at the campsites every year. The wood must be cut and split. Be frugal, it has to serve many paddlers!
The toilets at the campsites are organic. They work by separating the urine and the solid feces. Never throw garbage into the toilets, as this will destroy their ecological function. Toilets should be used only for bodily functions. Only in exceptional cases, when no toilet access is available, you may bury feces and toilet paper in a secluded spot. Canoeing groups should therefore bring a small shovel with them. You may occasionally come across the remains of a container without a toilet building above it at the campsite. Do not break these up or throw trash in them!
There are about 25 refuse stations in the lake system. Take your garbage from the camp to the next waste station. Keep in mind that many people after you would like to experience our beautiful nature. Abandoned garbage bags are destroyed by birds and rodents that spread the rubbish in nature.
Bird protection
Animal Protection Areas are established in Sweden to ensure that animals are left alone during the time of breeding. Even within nature reserves areas might be found with access restrictions in order to protect animal or plant life. There are also numerous bird sanctuaries in the Dalsland-Nordmarken lake system. These are mostly identified by the red and yellow signs, but sometimes the signs have disappeared. In these areas, it is strictly prohibited to disembark and you may not get closer than 100 m from the beach. Bird protection areas are always marked on canoe maps. Respect them! A link from the county administrative board will tell you more about bird sanctuaries in our canoe waters (in Swedish).
In emergency situations - such as forest fires, accidents and drowning - call 112. To get help faster you have to know the name and number of the campsite. You will find these on the wind shelter or the map “Canoe Country”. For other than emergency issues, call the police authorities at 11414 and 1177 for medical advice.
Lägerplats 11 Tullön - Stora Le
Tullön, Stora Le, Årjäng
DANO - Förening för hållbar kanotturism inom Dalsland Nordmarkens sjösystemCentrumvägen 2
66630 Bengtsfors 73 061 51 84