A warm welcome to the Nordtomta farm in Vegerbol.
The founder of the Swedish telephone industry, Lars Magnus Ericsson, was born here on the 5th of May 1846 and lived here during his childhood. Here you will find an exhibition of telephones and other equipment from Ericsson's early production, as well as a history of the company and Lars Magnus Ericsson's life. There is also a mineral museum with minerals from the local mines. The Vegerbol silver mine is within walking distance, about 1.3 km from the memorial farm.
For more information, contact details and opening hours - Click here!
Nearby you will find Värmskog's café, which is widely known for its delicious prawn sandwiches, Vegerbols Grönsaksgård, which grows and sells locally produced vegetables, and Silverleden, a beautiful hiking trail through scenic countryside.
Från E18, sväng mot Grums, någon km, sväng höger skylt Värmskog. Följ vidare skyltning mot Värmskog och LM Ericssons minnesgård. Från Arvika kör rv 175 mot Säffle. Kör ca 25 km. Sväng vänster skylt Värmskog.
Vegerbol Nordtomten, 66492 Värmskog