Many roads lead to Hagfors

Many roads lead to Hagfors

Here you can find information about how you get to Hagfors and how to travel within the municipality.

By car

The busiest route through Värmland is route 62. It extends from Karlstad up to Trysil, with Hagfors municipality as a stop in the middle.

By air

Take a flight. In just 50 minutes you can get from Arlanda to Hagfors Airport

By bus

To Värmland you can travel with FlixBus. From Karlstad you can travel to Hagfors with Värmlandstrafik. If you travel from Dalarna, Dalatrafik has a stop in Värnäs where from you can continue south to Hagfors.

By train

SJ´s train will take you to Karlstad from the major cities Stockholm, Gothenburg and Oslo. For traveling on to Hagfors and other places in the area you´ll have take Värmlandstrafiks´s bus.

By bike

Do you want to go by bike to Hagfors? Then we have Klarälvsbanan; a 90 kilometer car-free asphalted track you can travel on from Karlstad to Uddeholm (or Uddeholm-Karlstad). If you travel from north you can bike on Klarälvsleden; a 120 kilometer long trail that takes you from Sysslebäck to Hagfors.