The workers' musem in Gråbo will take you on a nostalgic trip to three Swedish workers' homes from 1885, 1918, and 1942. The fascinating environment will provide unique insight into the woman's working environment as it was then - the home.
The building was built in the 1870s. At some occasions, as many as nine families lived in the building at the same time.
Permanent and temporary exhibitions.
Admission free.
Guide SEK 25.
All year round Sundays 12-16.
7/6-12/8 every day 12-16.
Ramp in the entrance. Wheelchairs cannot access the upper floor.
Korpkullsvägen 12, 69153 Karlskoga
Korpkullsvägen 12. From E18 exit Rosendal by Strömsbro. Follow road sign Arbetarmuseum.
Arbetarmuseet GråboKorpkullsvägen 12
69153 Karlskoga
+46 19 602 87 45