Begagnatvaruhuset i Munkfors
In this store you can find almost anything - electronics, household utensils, crockery, fixtures, bicycles and more.
Address: Torget 2A.
Hellinges hörna
Here you will find mostly branded clothes and shoes but also some unique things. The shop is located at the square in Munkfors.
Address: Torget 1.
+46(0)73-969 72 45.
Loppisladan Laxholmen
Address: Laxholmsvägen 6.
+46(0)73-096 78 23.
Ny-Gammalt is a second-hand shop with all sorts of things such as housewares, furniture, sporting goods, books, paintings and trinkets etcetera.
Address: Skolvägen 12.
Röda korset (Red cross)
Tallbacksvägen 6.
Munkfors auktioner
Rulle Bergmans väg 5.
+46(0)70- 516 13 59.
Munkfors kommun
Smedsgatan 16, 684 30 Munkfors
Länsbuss, linje 600, stannar centralt vid busstationen i Munkfors.