First Camp Duse Udde has a nice mini golf course that suits everyone. You can rent clubs and balls for the mini golf in the shop in the reception at Duse. The last round of mini golf is 1 hour before closing time. Summer open June to August.
Play mini golf in Säffle guest harbor. There is also a small café here, if you want to bring your own coffee, there are tables and benches to sit down at. There is also a barbecue here.
At Allékiosken close to Furuskogsparken you can play mini golf. Here is also the opportunity to have a coffee or eat something good. The mini-golf is open from May 1.
First Camp Duse Udde is located on the shore of the magnificent inland sea Vänern.
First Camp Duse Udde, Säffle
Duse udde, 66194 Säffle
From the E45, the southern entrance, drive straight ahead on Industrigatan. From the center drive straight ahead on Kungsgatan, left at the intersection Industrigatan