At Lurö there are several trails from 1 - 10 km, a total of about two Swedish miles with marked hiking trails if you count all the paths and old roads. Even today visible traces of Lurös rich history of the landscape for example, a ruin of the abbey and brickyard kilns, a water source that is believed to have been used as a source of sacrifice for pilgrims, a small schoolhouse, as an imprint of the time Lurö was a center of Vänern area. From the ancient defence castle you have a magnificent view over the Lurö archipelago. At Stånguddens lighthouse you can see Kinnekulle that is on the other side of the lake Vänern.
Luröskärgårdens Natur - och Kulturförening Information and maps, in Swedish
Booklet with hikingtrails on Lurö available for purchase on the boat, Luröbåten, and at Luröbryggan. Note booking in advance.
Year around with own boat. Regular boat trips go during the summer, starting after midsummar day to late August. Note booking in advance.
In the middle of Vänern is Lurö. There is a rare calm here, at the same time as it seethes with vitality, historical sights and a commitment that elevates the island to one of Lake Vänern's absolute highlights.
Lurö - mitt i Vänern
Lurö, 66191 Säffle
From Säffle centre, follow the signs towards Ekenäs. The last bit to Ekenäs, the road is very narrow. It is approximately 40 kilometers from the center to Ekenäs. You can take your own boat or boat trips starting on Midsummer Day to Lurö archipelago.
Luröskärgårdens Natur- och KulturföreningLurö
66191 Säffle 533 290 12LuröbåtenEkenäs
66191 Säffle 72 222 84 82