The cafe is located in Nysäter's old hardware store. Sit outside in the garden, in the cozy kitchen or in the salon upstairs. The iron trade ceased in 1967 and the premises were used for a time as a warehouse for pipes. In 1989, the entire building was renovated, the old interior was kept as much as possible. The residence on the second floor was renovated to correspond to a 1930s apartment, which was also furnished as such.
The craft café is open all days during the summer from mid-June to the end of August. The café is also open at various events such as at Nysäter's market. Here you can also book a viewing of the Gillberga Homestad Museum. See the website for updated opening hours. Note in swedish
Lovely cafe in an old-fashioned setting. Close to other activities and places to visit in Nysäter
Hantverkskafé gamla järnhandeln
Marknadsvägen, 66195 Nysäter
From Säffle drive road 175 towards Knöstad, towards Årjäng turn off towards Nysäter. The Hatverk cafe is located along the market road. Nearby is the Gillberga local museum, the market stalls, Kungshögen and not far from Värmland's Viking center.