A part of Värmland
sights and activities
Dalsland-Nordmarken lake system is an almost 10000 squarekilometre nature area with uncountable lakes and streams connected to the Dalsland Canal.
The lake system
The area stretches from Köpmannebro at Lake Vänern to Östervallskog near the Norwegian border. Dalsland-Nordmarken is one of Europes finest lake systems with clean air and water and a beautiful scenery full of uncountable lakes and streams suitable for canoeing. Find your own way between islands and points of land to a camp where you will experience the peace of nature during the night. Maybe you will hear the black-throated divers desolate sound in the night or see a moose at the shoreline. Depending on the weather and the length of the stage the canoeing can be a trial of strength or fine relaxation. Since the area holds much more crystal clear lakes than canal a canoe is a perfect means of conveyance. There will probably be some lifts during a week but you will never have to carry the canoe for very long. During peak season, mid-July to mid-August, there are many tourists in the area so if you would like to experience peace and wilderness we recommend a different time off season.
The app about the Dalsland canal
An app with all the information you need if you want to paddle or enjoy the lake sustem with your own boat: Canal facts, service, campsites, attractions, activities, restaurants and much more.
Download the app HERE
Service & Nature Conservation Card
To facilitate for both canoeists and landowners there are a hundred camping grounds around the lake system. The camping grounds mostly have a shelter, a fireplace and a earth closet. During season there are supervisors that serve the camping grounds with fire wood, clean up and answer your questions. To finance this extra service all canoeists pay a fee of 80 SEK/day/person (year 2024). For children under 12 year it is free. This fee (Nature Conservation Card) finances compensation to the landowners who let their land to camping grounds, maintenance and supervision. You can buy the Nature Conservation Card on www.dalslandnordmarken.se/en and at the canoe rentals in the lake system.
Ban on lighting fires June-August
The following is valid for the DANO lake system (Dalsland Nordmarkens sjösystem) Ban on lighting fires june - august. All kinds of open fire are forbidden, except on the offical specially constructed fire places on the DANO camp sites. You are always responsible for all consequences of lighting a fire. At extremely dry weather conditions, the Fire and Rescue Service will totally ban all open fires. You are obliged to check the current rules for lighting fires.
For current information download the app: BRANDRISK UTE
There are maps that show the facilities in the area. These can be bought at the Tourist Information Centres, in the webshop on dalslandnordmarken.se and at the canoe rentals in the area.
The Canoe Fishing License
Do yoy like fishing? When you are out on a long canoe trip, it can be fun to catch your own fish for supper. There is a special Canoe Fishing License for those who paddle in the Dalsland-Nordmakenlake system.
You can buy it on dalslandnordmarken.se.
READ MORE on dalslandnordmarken.se
Dalsland Nordmarkens sjösystem,