… and would like you to remember Årjäng with a smile!
When you are on site in our municipality, there are four InfoPoints that you can visit for brochures, information and tips that will make your stay with us even better.

Hotel Årjäng is centrally located in Årjäng. Here the staff will be happy to help you with everything you need for your holiday. In the lobby you will find a large and well-stocked brochure stand with local and regional tourist information.
At the ICA store in Sillerud, Rikard and his staff take care of your wishes and concerns in the best way. Browse the brochures and enjoy a good coffee in the garden at Sillerud Station.
The grocery store Nära Dej is located in Östervallskog, in the northern part of our municipality. Here, Renée and her staff answer your questions and give you their best local tips.
Bergstugan B&B and Restaurant is located in the small industrial town of Lennartsfors at the northernmost end of Lake Lelång – or actually right between lakes Lelång and Foxen. Here you will find beautiful lock environments, crafts, café and restaurant.
In addition, there are brochures at Töcksfors Shoppingscenter all year round.
And during the summer season, our tourist facilities also have a selection of brochures.
Our staf at Visit Årjäng is happy to answer your questions.
Our phone hours are:
Mon – Fri 10 am – 4 pm
Tel: +46(0)573-141 36
E-mail: turist@arjang.se