Everyday can be a thrifting day in Arvika, but you are most likely to score big on Saturdays and Wednesdays as these are market days. During the summertime there are many pop-up second hand shops, so keep an eye out for flea market signs along the country roads or in town, usually marked by a sign that says “Loppis”. Remember to check out the bulletin boards in town during spring!
Second Hand
There are several second hand shops with varying opening hours, take a chance and maybe you’ll find your next favourite bargain spot.
- Röda Korset runs a shop at the town square, where you can find clothing and gadgets for reasonable prices. Open every day but Sunday.
Address: Östra Torggatan 2
www.rodakorset.se - Miljömyran has two shops in Arvika and sell clothes, houseware, books, sewing items and furniture amongst others.
Address: Säterigatan 3. Möbler och sybehör på Mötterudsvägen 5
www.arvika.se - PMU Second hand is a big shop where you can find clothes, furniture and other bits and pieces. The profits go to PMU:s work for people in vulnerable situations.
Address: Rosendalsvägen 17
Butikens facebooksida - ArvikaBlandning is situated in the centre of town and has a mix of antiques and secondhand objects.
Address: Storgatan 35
Butikens Facebooksida - Lilla Kråkan is located in the centre of Arvika where you can find childrens clothes and other accessories.
Address: Hantverksgatan 11
Butikens Facebooksida - Blå grinden – Curiosities and Flea market
Address: Repslagaregatan 15.
Butikens Facebooksida - Butik Cirkulär
Adress: Prästgårdsvägen 91, Tel 0570-72 82 00.
Antique shops
- Matildas bod
www.matildasbod.se - Sjövikens Antik & Auktioner
www.sjovikensantik.se - ArvikaBlandning is situated in the centre of town and has a mix of antiques and secondhand objects.
Adress: Storgatan 35
Butikens Facebooksida
Auctions are still very prominent in Arvika despite them being uncommon in general. Now and again a traditional old fashioned auction will pop up along with an auctionist with a quick and loud voice who yells out the objects. If you are lucky you might be able to shout yourself to a bargain. Whole estate sales are common but sometimes auctions can be a mix-match of different items from different places. What is certain is you will always be able to find something unique at one of our auctions. The unique selections of goods along with the excitement that comes along an auctioning makes it the perfect experience for anyone interested in antiques.
For the extreme antique enthusiast there are several auctioneers and collection fairs. Online auctions have also became popular in recent years and Arvika Auktionsverk are no exception, they almost always have products up for auction and products on display on their website arvikaauktionsverk.se/
Collector fairs
Sjövikens Antik usually organizes a large collector’s fair every spring and autumn in Parkhallen. For more information, check our events.