Eda Glass Museum can be found in Eda Folkets Park near the border with Norway. The museum displays a selection of glass from Eda glassworks' production. The mill was active between 1835 and 1953 and around the turn of the century 1900 one of Sweden's largest glassworks with about 300 employees. Household glass was mainly produced here and in the museum's large hall, e.g. ground, engraved, painted and engraved glass, luster, uranium and other press glass, designer Gerda Strömberg's beautiful art deco glass, unique grave balls etc.
This year's special exhibitions are called "Design Bo Fjaestad" and "Treasures in the Cabinet". In addition, there is an exhibition of Harald Axelsson's art glass.
In an adjoining room is Bengt Larsson's extensive collection of mainly drinking glasses from around 1700 to today from various northern European glassworks.
There is the possibility of a free guided tour that must be pre-ordered.
Open from May to September, other times by appointment. www.uppleveda.se/edaglasmuseum
Adjacent to the museum is a small glass cabin with irregular activities. Possibility of serving for groups.
Nearby are two workers' housing and a music pavilion.
Open daily between 1 May - 30 September, at 10:00 - 17:00. Midsummer eve and Midsummer day are closed.
Eda Glasmuseum is situated in Eda Folk Park.
Eda Glasmuseum
Glasbruksvägen, 67392 Charlottenberg
Skyltat Eda Glasmuseum från rv 61 i Eda Glasbruk.