Gazing over the water in Filipstad stands two cannons from John Ericsson's (the great inventor from Långban) time within the Swedish fleet.
In 1865, John Ericsson bestow two coarse steel drilled cannons for the first Monitor in the Swedish fleet. John Ericsson had previously made drawings available to the Swedish state without compensation. When this warship was later fitted with more modern equipment, the church council, through the owner L W Bergström, made the request that the scrapping cannons be handed over to Filipstad and by the King's decision on January 29, 1897, this petition was approved. The condition was that they were to be collected from the fleet's yards in Karlskrona at no cost to the crown in order to be placed on the promontory along the road to Filipstad east cemetery. On renewed petition, on January 29, 1898, free transport was granted on the state railways to Kristinehamn. The cannons were transported free of charge all the way to Filipstad's Eastern station, from where they were drawn on specially made sleds by workers from Finnshytt to their place on a promontory on Daglösen's beach in February 1900.
Kanonudden är platsen för två kanoner som kommer från John Ericssons verksamhet inom svenska flottan.
kanon udden
Filipstads TuristinformationBox 308
68227 Filipstad 590 613 54