According to his wish John Ericsson was buried on Swedish ground in this chapel. The inauguration took place in 1895, 6 years after his dead. John Ericsson invented, among other things, the propeller and the armour boat Monitor who helped the North Americans to win the civil war in the 1860´s.
"Motherland to John Ericsson" is written in golden lettering above the portal. To honour John Ericssons memory, a yearly ceremonial with speeches and songs take place.
Östra kyrkogården/ cemetery in Filipstad at Lake Daglösen. Here rests among others the great inventor John Ericsson in his impressive maosuleum.
Östra kyrkogården Filipstad
Nykroppavägen, 68230 Filipstad
Filipstads TuristinformationBox 308
68227 Filipstad 590 613 54