This reserve is situated by the northeastern part of the lake Nordsjön and is a spruce swamp forest with significant elements of birch and occasional sallow, different kinds of alders. The ground vegetation is dominated by sprigs, but also several kinds of herbs occurs.
The purpose of the reserve was to maintain a spruce swamp with unusually rich kryptogamflora, ie spore. The area is part of the EU's network of protected areas, Natura 2000. The wildlife includes several spieces dependent of old of old coniferous forest. Northern goshawk has bred in the area and the rich supply of dead and dying trees is a benefit for several spieces of woodpeckers. One of the large animals is moose and also tracks and droppings of bear have been found.
Length: 3 km
Severity: Medium
Marking: Orange Start (GPS): 60.32801, 13.583393
Directions: From Ekshärad and Route 62; drive east towards Byn and then north to Hornnäs. In Hornnäs, take the first "larger" gravel road up to the right. If you come to the next village; Stackerud before you turned up on the gravel road you have gone too far.