Stay in a unique vicarage with a view of Ölmeslätten. Surrounded by maples, oaks and chestnuts, their farm offers a peaceful oasis in a perfect location close to the E18. You can enjoy the tranquility of their rooms where nothing disturbs the relaxed atmosphere.
Their charming inn offers eight uniquely furnished rooms, they have also a private house called Skrivarstugan. Each room is carefully designed to give you a genuine and personal experience.
For larger parties, generous family rooms are available, all equipped with shower and WC. They welcome you with bathrobes and slippers for an extra touch of comfort.
Also enjoy free WiFi in all rooms and take advantage of free parking and several charging stations for electric cars, making it easy to travel environmentally friendly during your stay with them at Ölme Prästgård Gästgiveri.
Enjoy a memorable dining experience in their restaurant, where their chefs create delicacies with local ingredients and use seasonal flavors and local ingredients as much as possible. Recommended by "White guide" and 360 degres Eat guide".
Ölme Prästgård
Ölme Prästgård 1, 681 94 Kristinehamn
Från E18 ta avfart Träfors norrut. Följ sedan skylten. Avfarten ligger ca 1 mil väster om Kristinehamn och ca 3 mil öster om Karlstad.