Length: about 2.7 kilometer.
Time: about 40 minutes.
Footwear: Hiking shoes.
About the trail:
The starting point is by the parkinglot at the reststop in Ransäter. The trail is wide, hilly and grassy.
From the tourist information, drive south on road 62. After about 9 kilometers turn left towards Ransäter and then left again to the reststop.
Nice environtment with a lot of flowers, mushrooms and berries.
Some general hiking tips:
- Bring a map!
- Good shoes! Depending on the weather, season and terrain it may be wet in the field.
- Cover-up clothing can provide good protection against ticks.
- Easy packing with patches, cell phone and fruit. Do not forget water!
- Think about the Right of Public Access (Allemansrätten), find out what you can and can not do.
In case of problems such as trees over the trail or similar issues, contact the tourist information 0563-54 10 81.
Norr om rastplats parkeringen finner du en grusväg som leder fram till starten av Geijersleden.
Rastplatsen erbjuder bland annat följande service:
Bänkar och bord
Station för mottagning av latrin
Trafikverkets rastplats Ransäter
Erlandervägen, 22, 68493 Ransäter
Väg 62 vid Ransäter Norra, i båda riktningar