The trail is a total of 9.5 kilometers in varied environments. It is not marked with any color, except for a few places, so you walk around with the help of the hiking map. There is also a separate document with explanations of the numbered dots on the map. The map and explanations can be found here on the right. There is also a hiking brochure with all trails which can be bought at the tourist office. - Loop trail. - Rest area. - W.C. - Biotope/Botanically interesting area. Natural assets: The trail passes Videholmen south of Munkfors power station. The islet has a rich stock of Salix daphnoides (european violet-willow), but also the more unusual grass klarälvslem and lundelm, and Barbarea stricta (in Swedish: strandgyllen). Salix daphnoides (european violet-willow) is a red-listed species described as rare. The area on the land side is also botanically interesting with Potamogeton gramineus, Juncus bulbosus (bulbous bush), Juncus Articulatus (jointed rush), Eleocharis acicularis (needle spike-rush), Eleocharis palustris (common spike-rush) and Alopecurus aequalis (orange foxtail). The area is pleasant over all with low-lying terrain towards Klarälven and further up towards the power station is a shelter. Some caution must be shown as the dammed water is released without forewarning and the flow in the river channel rapidly changes.
The west side along the river from the bridge to the powerstation, is temporarily closed due to weakened river banks and fallen trees. Access is at your own risk. Until further notice, pedestrians are directed to Mossängsvägen.
Tallåsvägen, 12, 68430 Munkfors
Tallåsvägen 12