In this year's production, Värmlänningarna teams up with the Karlstad Chamber Choir to give you an experience with more voices, captivating dance, atmospheric music, and a new interpretation of the love story.
Under the guidance of director Olof Wretling, experience a timeless family drama filled with passion and conflict, centred around the love between Erik, the wealthy farmer’s son, and Anna, the poor crofter.
With around twenty actors, a large ensemble, an orchestra, and the Karlstad Chamber Choir, nearly 100 people are involved in the project.
A warm welcome to Ransäters hembygdsgård and the open-air theatre "Gropa" to experience Värmlänningarna—an experience for the whole family.
The play:
- Length: 2 hours and 15 minutes, including a break.
- Is played in any weather. Umbrellas and camping chairs are not permitted.
- Numbered seats on rows with grass; seat pads are available.
Tickets are available at:
- Ticketmaster.
- Scalateatern in Karlstad. Seats for the disabled and companion seats are to be booked via Scalateatern, +46 (0)54-19 00 80.
- Munkfors-Ransäter tourist information (over the counter, cash, or card).
Högsbyvägen 2, 68493 Ransäter