In the harbor there is a breakwater which weatherproofs you for the "southwest" and with in place this the boat berths have been increased to 20-25 boat berths.
On Lurö there is a lot to see and do, rent a sauna hike, go to a museum, enjoy silence, sunsets and good food. There are two restaurants where you can enjoy good dinner and have a good coffee, Lurö Krog and Luröbryggan.
The port is a member of Gästhamnar i Vänern Economic association with an offer every 6th night for free. Each port that is part of the association has a symbol, a compass in blue.
Lurö is an island in central Vänern and is part of the Lurö archipelago. The Vänern archipelago is Europe's largest lake archipelago, and Lurö lies on the border between Dalbosjön in the west and Värmlandsjön in the east. At Stenstaka there is a guest hostel, a tavern and a guest harbour. The Lurö boat stops here to drop off visitors, after which the boat leaves for the departure pier in Basteviken.
Stenstaka, Lurö
Lurö, Mitt i Vänern, 66191 Säffle
Book a boat trip with the Lurö boat, from Ekenäs guest harbor to Lurö it is approximately 1 hour boat ride.