Nysäter guest harbor welcomes you with boat and motorhome. Herer is close to shops, summer cafés and attractions such as Värmland Vikingacenter, Viking Center, Gillberga Museum and Hantverkscafé - a cafe as during the summer serves coffee, tea or juice and homemade bread. Take time to visit Värmland Vikingcenter and the market stalls from the 1700s. In gästhamnen, the guest harbor, you will find water, shower, toilet, emptying station and refuse station. Motor home parking 20 pieces, access to electricity. The guest harbour is staffed from June to August. Playgrounds for the kids and nice beach close to the harbour.
For you who come by boat: Port depth 3 m Chart 134 NW, NE 59 ° 17.0 N 12 ° 46.9 E 50 m south of Nysäterbron. Harbour depth of 3 m. Guest Places: 6. Mooring : Anchor, alongside. For price and more informatio see link here.
The guest harbor and motorhome in Nysäter will be open to guests until September, in good weather the opening hours can be extended further. The service of cleaning during September-October will be limited. Should something acute happen with eg water supply call on +46 (0)73-219 27 04. Payment can be made in cash in connection with the cleaning on site., but also via Swish - see instructions in the harbor magazine.
Summer opening with staffing June-August , beginning of September, in good weather, opening hours can be extended.
Beautifully located guest harbor in Värmland's Nysäter. You get here via the Säffle channel/Vikingaleden.
Nysäters gästhamn
Byälvsvägen, 661 95 Nysäter
By boat via the Säffle canal/Vikingaleden. From the E18 follow the signs towards Nysäter. Turn left onto Byälvsvägen. The guest harbor is on the left before the bridge at Byälven.