The "skans" was the first large defensive structure that was built in the years 1940-45 to give protection against a possible German attack from Norway.
On approaching the mound, you can see Lasse Kuparinen's wooden sculpture "Mieskuva Brunn" with fresh, running drinking water.
In the area, you will find parking spaces, toilets, shelters and a picknick area with barbecue.
All forts and shelters are open for visitors. Skans 179 was restored in the early 1990s.
Finnskogavägen, 38, 68065 Höljes
3 km north of Höljes at road 62.
Norra Finnskoga HembygdsföreningKärrbackstrand 25
68060 Sysslebäck 70 312 93 78+46 70 312 93 78