Årjäng Camping & Cottages Sommarvik is a year-round, family-friendly holiday resort located just south of Årjäng in Western Värmland. Sommarvik is surrounded by beautiful forests and lakes in Värmland and offers cottages and camping in a fantastic landscape close to nature.
Lake Västra Silen
Sommarvik is located on a slope down to lake Västra Silen. Västra Silen is a clear water lake and one of the largest lakes in the Dalsland Canal lake system. A trip on Västra Silen is a fantastically fun and relaxing activity for the whole family, whether you go in for a multi-day trip or if you just want to be out for an hour. For those who do not want to be out for so long, it is suitable to round Lillöna or Storöna, which are located opposite Sommarvik. For longer trips, just head south! Prepared rest areas are scattered a little everywhere along the lake. Please note that for overnight stays at a prepared rest area, a Nature Conservation Card is needed. These are for sale in Sommarvik's rental center.
Sommarvik's rental centre
In Sommarvik's rental center, it is possible to rent canoes, one-man kayaks, two-man kayaks, children's kayaks, SUP boards, rowing boats and bicycles. Here are maps of the lake system and you can get help with your tour planning. If you are interested in hiking and cycling, you can get tips on exercise trails and bike paths nearby. Here you can buy fishing licenses and nature conservation cards.
Sommarvik is part of SCOA, the Scandinavian Canoe Outfitters Association, which has more than 800 canoes for rent in the area and access to more than 120 approved campsites with timbered shelters, environmental toilets, fireplaces and firewood. The Dalsland-Nordmarken lake system is one of Europe's finest with clean air, fresh water and a rich nature. Countless lakes and streams await here. Dalsland-Nordmarken's lake system is often abbreviated DANO and is located within the Swedish provinces of Dalsland and Värmland. The staff is happy to help with a suitable tour planning within the lake system.
Årjäng Camping & Stugor Sommarvik
Strand, 67291 Årjäng
Follow the road E18 or 172 to Årjäng. From Årjäng follow the signs towards Sommarvik Camping approx 3 km south of Årjäng town center.