Inspection trolley cycling on the shut down railway between Bengtsfors and Årjäng, a distance of totally 50 kilometres, is an exciting adventure for both young and old people. You travel through a beautiful landscape when you pass through forests and alongside lakes and tarns. This is a popular activity for camp schools etc. it´s possible to begin your adventure in Årjäng (min 4 trolleys). Additional fee for transport is 180:-/single trolley and 340:-/tandem trolley. Must be booked in advance.
Alternatives when you start in Bengtsfors
Day 09.00 – 17.00 | Evening 17.00 – 22.00 | 24h 09.00 – 09.00 or 17.00 – 17.00
Alternatives when you start in Årjäng (until13 August, from 8 August you have to book in advance)
Day 10.00 – 17.00 | Evening 16.00 – 22.00 | 24h 10.00 – 10.00 or 16.00 – 16.00
ICA i Gustavsfors
You can also hire your trolly (only single trolleys) at the ICA-store in Gustavsfors. You can't prebook.
Phone ICA: 0531-200 01
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 09.30-18.00 Saturday and Sunday 12.00 - 16.00
Prices high season 12 june - 27 august
Single trolley
Day 470 SEK
Evening 370 SEK
24 hours 710 SEK
Tandem trolley
Day 680 SEK
Evening 530 SEK
24 hours1050 SEK
Prices low season / rest of the year
Single trolley
Day 350 SEK
Evening 270 SEK
24 hours 490 SEK
Tandem trolley
Day 500 SEK
Evening 380 SEK
24 hours 720 SEK
6 Maj – 12 June: Friday– Sunday 10 am -1 pm
13 June – 21 August: Monday – Sunday 9 am - 6 pm
Different opening hours 2022: Midsummer June 24-26: 10 am -1 pm
22 August – 25 September: Friday– Sunday 10 am -1 pm
24 June – 7 August: Monday – Sunday 10 am - 3 pm
Different opening hours 2022: Midsummer June 24-26: 10 am -1 pm