There are more than 365 lakes in Arvika and you do find fantastic possibilities for bathing, fishing, canoeing and even skating in winter time.
The Glafsfjorden is with its area of 93,82 km2 the largest lake in Arvika and passing the lock in Säffle you are connected to all the seven Seas in the world! This lake is an eldorado for water sports and fishing - but still it is a quiet oasis in the middle of a wonderful scenery.
Despite in what way you explore our region - by car, bike, canoe or hiking - we can promise one thing: it is not difficult to find a nice place at a lake or small river to enjoy a break, the nature and to rest your body and soul!
Find more inspiration how to explore the nature with all its water way on our website by following the link "activities". Here you will find information on bathing, canoeing and fishing.
På friluftskartan kan du finner de flesta vattendrag i Arvika kommun. Kartan och information om vattendrag och aktiviteter kan du få hos Arvika Turistbyrå.
365 sjöar
Storgatan 22, 671 40 Arvika
Arvika TuristbyråStorgatan 22
67131 Arvika 570 817 90