Lake Foxen is a part of the lake system Dalsland Canal, with opportunities to paddle for instance into Norway.
Here you can find baths, cabins, fishing, canoes, bicycles, parking and service. Many opportunities for hiking and bicycle trips.
Here you can buy maps, fishing licences, nature conservation cards and other things.
May 1 - September 28 2020. Other hours by agreement.
Elovsbyn Camping och Canoe
ELOVSBYN, Trane Lennartsfors, 672 92 Årjäng
Drive southwest for about 20 kilometres and cross the bridge in Lennartsfors go on for about 50 m, turn right at the sign TRANE, go on for about 800 m.
Elovsbyn Camping & CanoeElovsbyn 201 Trane Lennartsfors
67292 Årjäng 70 680 56 98