Nordmarksmyrarna are a complex of mosses, sump forests and different types of marshes. The area is suitable for outdoor activities during all seasons, for example with the possibility of sport fishing in the Nordmarksälven, which flows through the northern parts of the reserve.
In connection with Värmland's provincial myrin invasion in the late 1970s, the nature values of the Nordmark mires were noted and, as today, were rated to the highest grade. The high natural values are based on the diversity of the area, representativeness, unrest and its well-developed rikkärsvegetation.
The purpose of the nature reserve is to preserve biodiversity, the valuable natural environments and the untouched nature of the area. The aim will be achieved by the fact that the various natural environments are essentially developed freely. The measures planned are firing, clearing and reworking of dikes. In addition, the reserve must be made available for outdoor life while being free from exploitation and from adverse effects on hydrology.
Directions: From highway 63 turn northwards and road 246. After about 15 km turn left. Drive across the river and at the next intersection turn left again (less than 1 km from road 246). Drive along the gravel road and later along the nature reserve until you reach the parking lot about 3 km. Keep to the right in major intersections.
Länsstyrelsen Värmland Våxnäsgatan 5
65186 Karlstad 10 224 70 00+46 10 224 70 00