Travel to Karlstad

Travel to Karlstad

Karlstad is geographically located in the middle of a triangle between three large cities. The distance from Oslo is 220 km, from Gothenburg 250 km and from Stockholm it is 300 km.

By train

From Gothenburg it takes 2.5 hours by express train to Karlstad and from Oslo it takes 3 hours and from Stockholm 3 hours. Central Station is centrally located and you reach more than 1,000 hotel rooms within a 12-minute walk of the station.

By bus

To Karlstad by express bus you can come with, among others, Bus4You and Flixbus. In Karlstad and in Värmland you travel by Karlstadsbuss and Värmlandstrafik respectively.

By car

If you take the car from Stockholm or Oslo, the E18 applies to get here. If you travel from Gothenburg, there are E45 and E6 to choose from.

By plane

Karlstad Airport is located 17 km outside the center of Karlstad and there are scheduled flights between Karlstad and Arlanda in Stockholm.

Parking in Karlstad

Here we have collected useful links where you can read about how to park by car, truck, bus and motorcycle in Karlstad and where the parking garages in the center are located.

Here you can see where in Karlstad you will find parking spaces where you can park with your motorhome for both short-term and long-term parking.

Here you can see where to park a tourist bus in Karlstad. There are up to about 30 places on municipal land, of which about 15 in central Karlstad.